Tomchei Shabbos St. Louis

The Barbara Mendelson Tomchei Shabbos Fund of the Vaad Hoeir
A kosher food pantry serving residents of St. Louis
The Barbara Mendelson Tomchei Shabbos Fund was established in June 2006 to support Shabbos observance for families in distress by providing food for Shabbos. A special food pantry stocked with kosher food and meat is available for its clients. Its operation is maintained by donations of food and money.
Your donation is the ultimate matan b'seter, anonymous charity at the highest level.
Your contributions will enable Tomchei Shabbos St. Louis to assist many families who so desperately need our help. We operate with no paid staff, and it’s a 100% volunteer-driven effort. We are solely donor funded. So together, let us help those who cannot afford to help themselves.