About Us

Barbara Mendelson Tomchei Shabbos
[email protected]
The Barbara Mendelson Tomchei Shabbos Fund was established to provide kosher food for Shabbat and holidays to observant families in need. A special food pantry stocked with kosher food and meat is available for its clients. Its operation is maintained by donations of food and money.
[email protected]
The Barbara Mendelson Tomchei Shabbos Fund was established to provide kosher food for Shabbat and holidays to observant families in need. A special food pantry stocked with kosher food and meat is available for its clients. Its operation is maintained by donations of food and money.
Who We Are |
Tomchei Shabbos means “supporters of the Sabbath.”
We now serve 40 families in need on a weekly basis. Thanks to donations from friends like you, we are able to provide essentials for our clients’ Shabbos celebrations and chaggim (holidays) throughout the year, including meat, grape juice, produce, eggs and a variety of canned and dry goods. In 2011, we marked the establishment of the Diamant Meat Fund as a way to honor the legacy of Irv and Kay Diamant. Through designated contributions to this fund we are able to continue their incredible work by providing meats and chickens to our families. |
Our History |
Tomchei Shabbos St. Louis began in 2006 to provide support for St. Louis families in need.
It is impossible to think of Tomchei Shabbos without mentioning our beloved friend Mrs. Merle Hartstein, who passed away in 2013. As a co-founder of our organization, Merle was essential to the growth and success of Tomchei Shabbos as well as myriad chesed activities throughout St. Louis. Her understanding of basic human needs, recognition that maintaining each person’s dignity is of utmost importance, and her profound sense of humility are characteristics that all of us at Tomchei Shabbos strive to emulate as we carry forth the work she did to support those in need. |